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Femoral hernia repair and how to recognise the symptoms

Femoral hernia symptoms are usually a lump in the groin, below the skin crease.

A Femoral hernia usually contain fat and like an epigastric hernia they often will not disappear when you lie down, so the lump is usually there all the time.

Femoral hernia is much more common in women than men. They can often be mistaken for enlarged lymph nodes or sometimes varicosities in varicose veins.

A femoral hernia usually has a narrow neck to the peritoneal sac which may trap a small piece of bowel and cause bowel obstruction. This usually will mean emergency surgery to correct the hernia and is the reason why femoral hernia's are usually repaired electively rather than adopt a "wait and see approach".

Femoral Hernia Surgical Repair

Femoral hernia surgery is easily performed under local anaesthetic in about 25 minutes.

A small transverse incision is made below the groin crease, over the hernia. The hernia sac is always opened to make sure there is no bowel or bladder stuck in the hernia.

The sac is then excised and the small defect between the inguinal ligament and the bone (where the hernia comes through) is closed with a couple of stitches. A mesh is not needed.

Patients can leave hospital about 30 minutes after surgery. Femoral hernias are not usually as sore as inguinal hernias in the week after surgery.

"Outstanding treatment from Mr Sadler and Dr Stoneham - thanks so much. Found it hard to believe that I did not remember having the local anaesthetic, even though I was told I would not remember it. The operation itself was amazingly efficient and smooth, all the staff were lovely and gave clear, consistent advice re aftercare. Can't think of anything that could be improved upon - many thanks for excellent care.   "

Femoral Hernia Female Patient AY Jan 2018

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